Welcome! Dragonfly is a highly customizable ruby gem which is already used on thousands of websites.
If you want to generate image thumbnails in Rails …
class User < ActiveRecord::Base # model
dragonfly_accessor :photo
<%= image_tag @user.photo.thumb('300x200#').url # view %>
… or generate text images on-demand in Sinatra …
get "/:text" do |text|
Dragonfly.app.generate(:text, text, "font-size" => 32).to_response(env)
… or just generally manage attachments in your web app …
wav = Dragonfly.app.fetch_url("http://free.music/lard.wav") # GET from t'interwebs
mp3 = wav.to_mp3 # to_mp3 is a custom processor
uid = mp3.store # store in the configured datastore, e.g. S3
url = Dragonfly.app.remote_url_for(uid) # ===> http://s3.amazon.com/my-stuff/lard.mp3
… then Dragonfly is for you! Use the navigation links to browse the documentation.
Derived from theme by orderedlist