Given a Dragonfly app
app = Dragonfly[:app_name]
Configuration can either be done using a block...
app.configure do |c|
c.url_format = '/media/:job'
# ...
...or directly...
app.url_format = '/media/:job'
The defaults should be fairly sensible, but you can tweak a number of things if you wish. Here is an example of an app with all attributes configured:
app.configure do |c|
c.datastore = :egg => 'head' # defaults to FileDataStore
c.cache_duration = 3600*24*365*2 # defaults to 1 year # (1 year)
c.fallback_mime_type = 'something/mental' # defaults to application/octet-stream
c.log =$stdout) # defaults to'/var/tmp/dragonfly.log')
c.trust_file_extensions = false # defaults to true
c.url_format = '/images/:job/:basename.:format' # defaults to '/:job/:basename.:format'
c.url_host = '' # defaults to nil
c.content_filename = proc{|job, request| # defaults to the original name, with modified ext if encoded
c.content_disposition = :attachment # defaults to nil (use the browser default)
c.protect_from_dos_attacks = true # defaults to false - adds a SHA parameter on the end of urls
c.secret = 'This is my secret yeh!!' # should set this if concerned about DOS attacks
c.analyser.register(MyAnalyser) # See 'Analysers' for more details
c.processor.register(MyProcessor, :type => :fig) # See 'Processing' for more details
c.encoder.register(MyEncoder) do |e| # See 'Encoding' for more details
e.some_value = 'geg'
c.generator.register(MyGenerator) # See 'Generators' for more details
c.register_mime_type(:egg, 'fried/egg') # See 'MimeTypes' for more details
c.job :black_and_white do |size| # Job shortcut - lets you do image.black_and_white('30x30')
process :greyscale
process :thumb, size
encode :gif
c.define_url do |app, job, opts| # allows overriding urls - defaults to
if job.step_types == [:fetch] # app.server.url_for(job, opts)
app.server.url_for(job, opts)
c.server.before_serve do |job, env| # allows you to do something before content is served
# do something
c.response_headers['X-Something'] = 'Custom header' # You can set custom response headers
c.response_headers['summink'] = proc{|job, request| # either directly or via a callback
job.image? ? 'image yo' : 'not an image'
# When using ImageMagick only...
c.convert_command = "/opt/local/bin/convert" # defaults to "convert"
c.identify_command = "/opt/local/bin/identify" # defaults to "identify"
c.log_commands = true # defaults to false
Where is configuration done?
In Rails, it should be done in an initializer, e.g. 'config/initializers/dragonfly.rb'. Otherwise it should be done anywhere where general setup is done, early on.
Reflecting on configuration
There are a few methods you can call on the app
to see what processors etc. are registered: processor_methods
, generator_methods
, analyser_methods
and job_methods
Saved configurations
Saved configurations are useful if you often configure the app the same way. There are a number that are provided with Dragonfly:
The ImageMagick configuration registers the app with the ImageMagick Analyser, ImageMagick Processor, ImageMagick Encoder and ImageMagick Generator, and a number of job shortcuts.
The file 'dragonfly/rails/images' does this for you.
The processor, analyser, encoder and generator pass data around using tempfiles.
The Rails configuration points the log to the Rails logger, configures the file data store root path, sets the url path prefix to '/media', and registers the FileCommandAnalyser for helping with mime_type validations.
The file 'dragonfly/rails/images' does this for you.
Custom Saved Configuration
You can create your own saved configuration with any object that responds to 'apply_configuration':
module MyConfiguration
def self.apply_configuration(app, *args)
app.configure do |c|
c.url_path_prefix = '/hello/beans'
# ...
Then to configure:
app.configure_with(MyConfiguration, :any_other => :args) # other args get passed through to apply_configuration
You can also carry on configuring by passing a block
app.configure_with(MyConfiguration) do |c|
c.any_extra = :config_here
# ...
If you wish to be able to use a symbol to represent your configuration (e.g. for a plugin, etc.) you can register it globally as a one-off:
Dragonfly::App.register_configuration(:myconfig){ My::Saved::Configuration }
Then from then on you can configure Dragonfly apps using
app.configure_with(:myconfig, :any_other => :args)