
Registered encoders change the format of data, e.g. a jpeg image to a png image.

You can register as many encoders as you like.

Let's say we have a Dragonfly app

app = Dragonfly[:images]

and an image object (actually a Job object)...

image = app.fetch('some/uid')

...OR a Dragonfly model accessor...

image = @album.cover_image

We can encode it to any format registered with the encoder.

Lazy evaluation

gif_image = image.encode(:gif)

doesn't actually do anything until you call something on the returned Job object, like url, data, etc.

Bang method


modifies the image object itself, rather than returning a new object.

ImageMagick Encoder

See ImageMagick.

Custom Encoders

To register a custom encoder, for e.g. pdf format:

app.encoder.add do |temp_object, format|
  throw :unable_to_handle unless format == :pdf
  # use temp_object.data, temp_object.path, temp_object.file, etc.
  # return a String, Pathname, File or Tempfile

pdf_image = image.encode(:pdf)

If :unable_to_handle is thrown, the next most recently registered encoder is used, and so on.

Alternatively you can create a class like the ImageMagick one above, which implements the method encode, and register this.

class MyEncoder

  def encode(temp_object, format, *args)
    SomeLib.encode(temp_object.data, format, *args)



pdf_image = image.encode(:pdf, :some => :args)